Month: January 2020

  • Abrasion


    The wearing away of tooth structure or restorative material through an abnormal mechanical process. Tooth wear caused by brushing. The scraping off of the superficial layers of the skin. A scraping or rubbing away of tissue by injury or mechanical means. Condition in which the surface of the skin has been rubbed off by a…

  • Abfraction


    The hypothetical process leading to the loss of cervical tooth structure due to a combination of abrasion, erosion, and/or occlusal forces; data supporting this term as a discrete clinical entity is equivocal. Deterioration of the tooth in the region of the cementoenamel junction, thought to result from flexion of the tooth under heavy lateral load.…

  • Aberrant


    Varying or deviating from the usual or normal course, form, or location. Off the usual or normal course. Different from the normal. Deviating from the typical or normal state (e.g., having an abnormal chromosome number); wandering (e.g., in relation to a person’s speech). Usually applied to a blood vessel or nerve that does not follow…

  • Stoma (plural stomata)

    Stoma (plural stomata)

    A tiny opening or pore in the top layer of a leaf or young stem. Pores in the leaf epidermis used primarily for transpiration.  

  • Campanulate


    Bell-shaped, that is the produce of an inverted church bell. Bell-shaped; with a tube about as long as wide, and a flaring limb.