Month: June 2020

  • Metabolic disease

    Any disease or disorder that disrupts normal metabolism. A disease due to abnormal biochemistry, usually as a result of an absent or deficient enzyme. Metabolic diseases also are known as inborn errors of metabolism.  

  • Medullary cavity

    Cavity in the center of the bone filled with yellow, fatty marrow. A hollow centre of a long bone, containing bone marrow. The long cavity in the center of a long bone that contains yellow bone marrow.  

  • Median nerve

    One of the five main nerves originating from the brachial plexus. It is the only nerve passing through the carpal tunnel, where it may be compressed to cause carpal tunnel syndrome. A nerve that arises by two roots from the medial and lateral cords of the brachial plexus. The controls sensation of the central palm,…

  • Medial (internal) rotation

    Also called inward rotation; occurs primarily at the hip and shoulder joints. Rotation refers to movement around the long axis of the limb.  

  • Medial

    A term used in exercise to describe one body part’s position in relation to another. Medial means toward the midline. Toward the midline of the body. In or toward the middle or center, lateral. Nearer to the central midline of the body or to the centre of an organ. Situated toward the midline of the…

  • Mechanical advantage

    The factor by which a mechanism multiplies the force or torque put into it.  

  • Maximal oxygen uptake

    The maximum oxygen that the body consumes during intense exercise. Maximal oxygen uptake is the greatest amount of oxygen that can be used by the body during intense exercise.  

  • Maximal heart rate (HRmax)

    The highest heart rate an individual can achieve during an exercise session. A commonly accepted estimate of maximal heart rate is 220 minus age. Age-related maximal heart rate is determined by subtracting the person’s age from 220. For example, for a 50-year old person, the estimated maximum age-related heart rate would be calculated as 220…

  • Lumbar spine

    The low back area of the vertebral column that consists of five large vertebrae. The largest five vertebrae between the thorax and the pelvis, the area that needs the most protection during exercise. That part of the spine consisting of the most inferior five individual vertebrae located just superior to the sacrum. Situated above the…

  • Lumbar plexus

    One of the four primary nerve branches along the spine; services the gluteal and inguinal regions and the lower extremities. The point where several nerves which supply the thighs and abdomen join together, lying in the upper psoas muscle. Network of nerves formed by the ventral divisions of some of the lumbar nerves; it is…