Month: June 2020

  • Lateral (external) rotation

    Also called outward rotation; occurs primarily at the hip and shoulder joints. Rotation refers to movement around the long axis of the limb. Located at, or pertaining to, the side and away from the body’s midline.  

  • Land tempo (LT)

    Movement at the same speed used on land. Movement occurs at each beat.  

  • Lactic acid

    A by-product of the production of ATP through the glycolytic system (anaerobic glycolosis). Lactic acid can be converted back to glycogen in the liver. The byproduct of anaerobic metabolism of glucose or glycogen in muscle. Lactic acid is a chemical byproduct of energy production in cells. The muscles produce lactic acid and lactate during exercise.…

  • Kyphosis

    Abnormal curvature of the spine. Kyphosis (humped back) refers to an exaggerated curve in the thoracic region. The head is often too far forward with rounded shoulders and sunken chest. Abnormal rounding of the thoracic portion of the spine, usually accompanied by rounded shoulders. An excessive backward curvature of the top part of the spine.…

  • Kinesiology

    The study of human movement. The science that studies the mechanisms and anatomy of motion and movement. The study of human movements, particularly with regard to their use in treatment. Study of muscular activity and the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of the body and its parts. Kinesiology is the scientific exploration of…

  • Kilocalorie

    The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a kilogram (a liter) of water one degree Celsius. The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C at 1 atmosphere of pressure. The basic unit of energy in the body. The amount of energy required to raise…

  • Ketosis

    A condition in which ketones, or abnormal products of fat metabolism, accumulate in the blood. High concentrations of ketone bodies in the blood. An abnormal increase in ketone production and accumulation in the blood; occurs especially in protein-sparing diets or fasting. An excessive accumulation of ketone bodies caused by accelerated rate of tissue lipolysis. A…

  • Karvonen formula

    Method of calculating target training zone based on maximal heart rate and resting heart rate. A calculation of the optimal range of heart rate for achieving physical fitness during cardiovascular endurance exercise. Method of calculating the intensity target range for aerobic work using a percentage of the heart rate reserve.  

  • Joint flexibility

    Flexibility at a specific joint encompasses all components of the musculoskeletal system and specific neuromuscular pathways of the body.    

  • Isotonic

    Muscle actions in which the muscle shortens and lengthens and movement occurs at the joint. Solutions with the same osmotic pressure; often refers to a solution with the same osmotic pressure as body fluids. Hypertonic and hypotonic refer to solutions that are more and less concentrated. A contraction in which a muscle shortens against a…