Month: July 2020

  • Pesticide


    Any substance which, alone, in chemical combination or in formulation with one or more other substances, is an “economic poison” within the meaning of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. An agent that is used to kill pests. A substance used to destroy crop pests, especially insects. Pesticides are chemicals used to kill insects…

  • Pert chart

    A chart showing the program evaluation and review technique.  

  • Peroxide value or number

    A value indicating the amount of oxidation taken place in a given fat or oil based on the peroxides present in the oil.  

  • Peroxide

    A compound containing a large amount of oxygen. In chemistry, a compound containing more oxygen than the other oxides of the element in question. Peroxide is a bleaching agent characterized as a compound comprising two oxygen atoms connected by a single bond.  

  • Peroxidase

    Ubiquitous enzyme occurring in higher plants and leukocytes. An enzyme that is naturally produced in soybeans by approximately half of all commercial soybean varieties. Peroxidase very effectively inhibits (stops) growth of any Aspergillusflavus fungi that might be present. Peroxidase can be used to replace more toxic and environmentally problematic chemicals in certain industrial processes. Among…

  • Permeability

    The passage or diffusion of a gas, vapor, liquid, or solid through a barrier without physically or chemically affecting it. The ability of substances to pass through the placental barrier from mother to fetus. (Of a membrane) the ability to allow some substances to pass through. Ability of a substance, often a membrane or container,…

  • Pelagic fish

    Middle and surface water fish, as mackerel, salmon, tuna, etc.    

  • Pathogenic

    Disease-producing microorganisms. Capable of causing disease. Pertaining to the conditions that lead to pathology. Capable of causing disease. The term is applied to a parasitic microorganism (especially a bacterium) in relation to its host. This term means disease-producing, and is applied, for example, to bacteria capable of causing disease. Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease…

  • Pate


    A meat or fish pie or patty; a spread of freshly mashed, seasoned meat or fish. The given description refers to a dish called “paste”. It is a type of pie or patty that is filled with a mixture of meat or fish paste, or sometimes with a fruit or vegetable mixture. The filling itself…

  • Pastry


    A baked product made of flour, shortening and water and sometimes eggs and/or milk may be used. A mixture consisting of flour, water, and fat, primarily employed in the creation of pies and tarts. Pastry, an enticing creation, comes to life through the harmonious combination of flour, water, and shortening, transformed into a delectable baked…