Month: November 2020

  • Frame of reference

    The background or experience against which a person’s judgments are made, adaptation level.  

  • Frail elderly

    Elderly persons whose physical and emotional abilities or social support system is so reduced that maintaining a household or social contacts is difficult and sometimes impossible, without regular assistance from others. Healthy persons are usually not in this group until 75 years, and even then, many are not frail until they reach very late years.…

  • Fovea centralis

    A small, rodless area of the retina that allows for acute vision.  

  • Four-man roll

    The back injury roll.  

  • Fourchette

    In anatomy, the fold or mucous membrane at the posterior junction of labia majora in the female. A fold of skin at the back of the vulva.  

  • Four basic food groups

    The traditional grouping of foods by category, formerly accepted by nutritionists as necessary for maintaining good health. These groups are (a) dairy products including eggs, (b) meat or meat substitutes, (c) cereals and grains, and (d) fruits and vegetables, food pyramid.  

  • Foundation programs

    State funding programs that determine the dollar value of the basic educational opportunities that are desired in a state and referred to as the foundation level. These programs specify a minimum standard of local effort and determine an equitable way of distributing money to school districts based on local wealth.  

  • Foundational period

    In psychology, a period during ontogenesis when certain experiences must occur to provide developmental foundation for later experiences. Should the initial experiences not occur at their customary time, the developmental loss can be corrected by having the person go back to make up for the missed experience.  

  • Foundation

    An organization established by philanthropists to distribute financial resources to those who meet its specific eligibility requirements.  

  • Foster care

    The temporary placement of children in private homes. The care of individuals who cannot live independently (such as children, homeless families, or frail elderly persons) in a group or private home.