
The measurement of mass per unit volume.

The measurement of bone density using special X-ray techniques. Dual photon absorptiometry (DPA) and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (dexa) are often ordered to measure the density of the vertebrae in the lower back and hip. A woman’s bone density is generally checked at the beginning of menopause and again 6 months to 1 year later to evaluate bone density and identify changes that may indicate early signs of osteoporosis and to monitor any response to treatment.

The determination of the density of a substance (e.g., bone).

The method used to quantify the makeup of a body by gauging its density is known as body composition measurement.

Densitometry is an imaging technique that employs low-dose X-rays to evaluate bone density by measuring the concentration of calcified material within bone tissue. It is utilized for the diagnosis and assessment of osteoporosis, a condition characterized by the progressive weakening of bone tissue, particularly in the spine and femur (thigh bone). Densitometry is also valuable in evaluating the response of osteoporosis to treatment.

In the course of the procedure, X-rays are directed through the body. A computer analyzes the level of X-ray absorption by the body and utilizes this data to compute the bone density.




