
Common name for a mixture of diamino-methylacridinium chloride hydrochloride and diaminoacridine dihydrochloride, an antiseptic effective in the presence of serum and for this reason used in the treatment of bums.

A dye used as an antiseptic on skin and mucous membranes and to disinfect contaminated wounds. It may cause sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.

Acriflavine is a chemical compound with an orange color and notable non-irritating antiseptic properties. When mixed at a ratio of one in a thousand with pure glycerine, it is employed for the purpose of cleansing infected wounds and addressing boils. Acriflavine’s antiseptic qualities are effective in eliminating harmful microorganisms, while glycerine functions as a drawing agent, facilitating the extraction of bodily fluids from deep within the wound and promoting its cleansing.




