
Inflammation of a lymph node or gland, often associated with infection, as in neck adenitis in cases of throat infection.

An inflammatory condition of a LYMPH node; also known as lymphadenitis. The condition may affect lymph nodes in the neck; at the back of the neck; in the mesentery, the membrane that attaches organs to the abdominal wall; or all the lymph nodes.

Lymphadenitis, which denotes the inflammation of lymph nodes, can manifest in various forms. One example is cervical adenitis, characterized by swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the neck. This condition commonly arises in bacterial infections, particularly those such as tonsillitis, as well as viral infections like glandular fever.

Mesenteric lymphadenitis refers to the inflammation of lymph nodes located within the abdomen. This condition is typically associated with viral infections as its primary cause.

In many instances of adenitis, treatment may not be required. However, when adenitis arises as a result of a bacterial infection, addressing the underlying infection with appropriate antibiotic medications generally leads to an improvement in the condition of the affected lymph nodes.




