
Accessory parts that enable an organ to function; for example, the adnexa of the eye are the eyelids, tear glands, and tear ducts, and the fallopian tubes are adnexa of the uterus.

Connecting parts of a structure; as demonstrated in the uterine adnexa, which includes the uterine tubes, ovaries, and uterine ligaments.

Adjoining parts. For example, the uterine adnexa are the fallopian tubes and ovaries (which adjoin the womb).

Accessory parts of a structure.

In anatomy, the term “adnexa” denotes the structures that are located in close proximity to an organ. Primarily, it is commonly used to describe the appendages associated with the uterus, which include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments.

While the term literally refers to parts that are adjacent to each other, it is often used specifically to denote the structures near the uterus, like the ovaries and Fallopian tubes.




