Aerial roots

Roots emerging from the plant wholly above the ground surface.

Roots growing out from the trunk above the ground, sometimes many meters long and reaching the ground. Developed by many epiphytic plants and vines and commonly seen in large numbers hanging from some trees. Other aerial roots help support the plant and in wet, oxygen-poor soil, they may help the plant “breath” by exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide. Also known as prop roots.

A root that springs from the stem of a plant above ground. The aerial roots of ivy are short and used by the plant to cling to its support. In such plants as monsteras, philodendrons or some of the tropical figs they eventually reach the ground; before they do they draw moisture from the air.

A root that springs from the stem of a plant above ground. The aerial roots of ivy are short and used by the plant to cling to its support. In such plants as monsteras, philodendrons or some of the tropical figs they eventually reach the ground; before they do they draw moisture from the air.




