Agent orange

Chemical defoliant mixture containing the toxic substance dioxin, used during the Vietnam War as a means of removing underbrush, and containing a poison that can adversely affect the skin, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. Since die war ended, thousands of veterans have filed lawsuits against the U.S. government and the manufacturers of Agent Orange, seeking compensation for both illnesses of their own and birth defects in their offspring that were allegedly caused by exposure to dioxin.

An herbicide and a defoliant used by the United States military during the Vietnam War to kill vegetation in forested areas so enemy guerrilla soldiers would be visible. Agent Orange was a mix of two weed killers developed in the 1940s containing dioxin.

A defoliant that U.S. military forces used extensively in the Vietnam War. It contained the toxic chemical dioxin as an unwanted and undesired contaminant.

This substance is an herbicide and defoliant that contains the phenoxy acid herbicide 2,4,5 T as its primary component, constituting 50 percent of its volume. It is important to note that during the manufacturing process, this substance may be contaminated with a highly toxic compound called TCDD, more commonly known as dioxin.




