Anaerobic exercise

Activity requiring minimal motion without much increase in intake of oxygen, such as weight lifting.

Exercise that does not require the lungs to increase the rate at which oxygen is exchanged, anaerobics; aerobics.

The term aerobic is used to refer to reactions or organisms that require oxygen. When applied to exercise, this term is used to describe types of activity in which aerobic metabolism predominates and can be continued for an extended period of time. Oxygen is required by the body during anaerobic exercise; however, a greater percent of the body’s energy is provided by anaerobic reactions during this type of activity. Examples of aerobic exercise can include various types of “aerobics,” such as walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, and so forth. Sports can also include a large aerobic component that is often mixed with anaerobic periods of exercise. Team sports such as hockey, basketball, soccer, and many others typically include an aerobic component.

Short-term exercise that relies on anaerobic (meaning not requiring oxygen) metabolic processes for energy required to perform the activity. A good anaerobic exercise routine should include exercises that involve all the major muscle groups including the abdominals, legs, chest, back, shoulders, and arms. Anaerobic exercise can increase muscular strength and power; an example is weight lifting.

Exercise during which the energy needed is provided without use of inspired oxygen. This type of exercise is limited to short bursts of vigorous activity.

Intense physical activity that lasts only from a few seconds to a few minutes, during which muscles use up more oxygen than the blood can supply.




