
The contact relationships of mandibular teeth with maxillary teeth in excursive movements of the mandible.

A junction or union between two or more bones.

A skeletal joint.

The location at which two or more bones make contact.

Range of movement of the joints.

A joint between two bones may be movable or immovable, but most often refers to the movable joints.

Articulation is a term employed in two senses in medicine, meaning either the enunciation of words and sentences, or the type of contact between the surfaces of joints — these surfaces are called articular surfaces.

A joint; the site of close approximation of two or more bones. It may be immovable (as in synarthrosis), slightly movable (amphiarthrosis), or freely movable (diarthrosis). Cartilage or fibrous connective tissue lines the opposing surfaces of all joints.

The capacity to accurately articulate words, enunciating them correctly. An instance of an articulation difficulty is exemplified by a lisp.




