
A forced and aggressive separation from the body; the action that results in a separation of a body part surgically or accidentally.

Separation of a body part by tearing.

The tearing away of a part or tissue of the body.

Forcible tearing away of a part.

An act of pulling away tissue or a body part by force.

Tearing or forcible separation of one body part from another.

The tearing or forcible separation of part of a structure. For example, a tendon may be torn from the bone to which it attaches or the skin of the scalp may be torn from the underlying tissue and bone.

Forcible tearing away of one tissue from another. For example, a tendon may be avulsed from the bone to which it is attached, or a nerve may be injured and torn away — avulsed — from the tissue in which it runs.

A tearing away forcibly of a part or structure. If surgical repair is necessary, a sterile dressing may be applied while surgery is awaited. If fingers, toes, feet, or even entire limbs are completely avulsed and separated, members are recovered.

The forceful removal or tearing away of a tooth or another anatomical structure.

Avulsion refers to the forceful separation of a body structure from its point of attachment. This detachment can occur as a result of an injury, such as when a tendon contracts excessively and causes a small piece of bone to avulse from its attachment site. Additionally, avulsion can be a deliberate step in surgical interventions, like the removal of varicose veins.

The separation or forceful detachment of a portion of the body’s structure.




