
A systematic error in the design or conduct of study which could explain the results.

A measure of inaccuracy or departure from accuracy.

A factor or factors that systematically influence the judgments of individuals or the results of investigations so that the judgment is not impartial or so that one outcome of the investigation is unfairly preferred over another.

A statistical term describing a systematic influence which leads to consistent over- or underestimation of a true value. For example, if a researcher is studying the effects of two different drugs on the same disease and person-ally favours one, unless they have been ‘blinded’ to which patient is receiving which treatment, they may unwittingly cause bias in the results by regarding those treated with their preferred drug as being healthier.

In experimental medicine, statistics, and epidemiology, any effect or interference at any stage of an investigation tending to produce results that depart systematically from the true value.




