Binge eating

A period of overeating during which a larger amount of food is ingested than most people would eat during that time. The person feels that he or she cannot stop eating or has no control over what or how much is consumed. During the episode, the person may eat more rapidly than usual, eat until feeling uncomfortably full, eat large amounts of food although not feeling hungry, and eat alone because of embarrassment over how much is being eaten. After a bout of overeating, depression, Guilt feelings, and feelings of disgust with oneself are common. When binge eating is accompanied by compensatory behavior such as purging or food restriction to control weight, it is termed bulimia nervosa.

An eating disorder marked by rapid consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time.

The consumption of large quantities of foods within short periods of time.

Binge eating disorder is characterized by the recurrent consumption of excessive amounts of food. Individuals who suffer from this condition experience a sense of losing control over their eating behavior, often consuming food rapidly and in secret, resulting in feelings of shame and guilt. It is worth noting that, unlike individuals with bulimia, individuals with binge eating disorder do not engage in compensatory behaviors such as vomiting or excessive exercise.




