Binocular vision

Ability to see with both eyes at the same time, which gives a stereoscopic effect and allows a person to judge distances.

The ability to focus both eyes on an object at the same time, so that a person sees one image of the object he is looking at. It is not inborn, but acquired during the first few months of life. Binocular vision enables judgment of distance and perception of depth.

Estimation of the activity or potency of a drug or other substance by comparing its effects on living organisms with effects of a preparation of known strength. Bioassay is used to determine the strength of preparations of hormones or other material of biological origin when other physical or chemical methods are not available.

The visual sensation that is produced when the images perceived by each eye are fused to appear as one.

The synchronized utilization of both eyes; standard vision.

The harmonious functioning of both eyes resulting in normal vision.




