Blood sugar

Glucose; normal concentration is about 5 mmol (90 mg)/l, and is maintained in the fasting state by mobilisation of tissue reserves of glycogen and synthesis from amino acids. Only in prolonged starvation does it fall below about 3.5 mmol (60 mg)/l. If it falls to 2 mmol (35 mg)/I there is loss of consciousness (hypoglycaemic coma).

Glucose present in the blood.

The sugar (or glucose) present in the blood that provides energy to the brain, muscles and tissues of the body.

The concentration of glucose in the blood, normally expressed in millimoles per liter. The normal range is 3.5-5.5 mmol/l. Blood-sugar estimation is an important investigation in a variety of diseases, most notably in diabetes mellitus.

Glucose in the blood, normally 60 to 100 mg/100 ml of blood. It rises after consumption of a meal to variable levels, depending on the content of the meal, the activity level of and medications used by the consumer, and other variables. In diabetes mellitus, fasting blood sugar levels exceed 126 mg/dl.

The magnitude of glucose concentration in the bloodstream wields a profound influence over our overall health and welfare. It has a pervasive impact on our vitality, emotions, focus, hunger, and susceptibility to various ailments.




