Brain abscess

Also known as a cerebral abscess, a pus-filled cavity surrounded by inflamed tissue in the brain. A brain abscess is a life-threatening medical emergency. Symptoms of a brain abscess include headache, muscle weakness, loss of sensation, vomiting, fever, and seizures. These may come on gradually or suddenly. Diagnosis is made through physical and neurological examination and tests such as a blood culture, chest X ray, electroencephalogram (EEG), CT (computed tomography) scanning, or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). Treatment includes medications such as antimicrobials and antibiotics as well as diuretics and corticosteroids to reduce brain swelling. In some cases, surgery is necessary.

An abscess is a localized collection of pus that forms within the brain or on its surface, typically surrounded by inflamed tissues. The frontal and temporal lobes of the cerebrum in the forebrain are the most frequently affected areas. Abscesses in the brain can result from various causes, such as infections or other underlying conditions. Prompt medical attention is crucial to diagnose and treat brain abscesses effectively, as they can pose serious risks to neurological health.

Brain abscesses can arise in various ways. While some cases may occur following a head injury, the majority result from the spread of infection originating from other parts of the body, such as the middle ear or sinuses. Additionally, penetrating brain injuries can lead to abscess formation as a consequence of infection. Multiple brain abscesses can develop due to infections carried through the bloodstream, commonly observed in patients with a heart-valve infection. It is essential to identify and address the underlying causes of brain abscesses promptly, as they pose significant risks to neurological health and require appropriate medical intervention.

Symptoms of a brain abscess encompass various manifestations. These include headache, drowsiness, vomiting, visual disturbances, fever, and seizures. Local pressure exerted by the abscess can lead to additional symptoms like speech disturbances. Prompt and appropriate treatment of a brain abscess involves the use of antibiotic drugs and surgical intervention. In some cases, a craniotomy, a surgical procedure involving the opening and drainage of the abscess, may be necessary. If left untreated, brain abscesses can result in permanent damage and have the potential to be fatal. Despite treatment, scarring may occur, which can increase the risk of developing epilepsy in some cases. Immediate medical attention is crucial to prevent complications and optimize the chances of recovery.




