
Any plant of the genus Brassica of the mustard family, including broccoli and cabbage.

A fast-growing category of the mustard plant family, which also produces sulfur-based gases (a natural defense against certain fungi and insect pests). For example, Australian CSIRO scientists discovered in 1994 that sulfur-based isothiocyanates emitted by Brassica actively combat Wheat Take-All Disease (a fungal disease that attacks the roots of the wheat plant).

The family of vegetables that includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower.

The term “Brassica oleracea,” derived from the Latin language, encompasses a variety of cruciferous vegetables that share familial roots with the common cabbage. This botanical classification includes several noteworthy members, including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale, among others.




