
A stress reaction that develops in persons working in an area of unrelenting occupational demands. Symptoms include impaired work performance, fatigue, insomnia, depression, increased susceptibility to physical illness, and reliance on alcohol or other drugs of abuse for temporary relief.

The process of losing interest and motivation in teaching or other occupation.

A feeling of depression, fatigue and lack of energy caused by stress and being overworked.

Condition marked by physical and emotional exhaustion, often described as having no energy, being apathetic, not caring anymore; it typically occurs in people who are overworked, frustrated by lack of accomplishments, and/or subject to continued job stress, particularly those in service professions (e.g., teacher, nurse, social worker).

A mental state of physical and emotional exhaustion; an anxiety disorder that is a stress reaction to a person’s reduced capability to cope with the demands of his or her occupations. Symptoms of burnout include tiredness, poor sleeping pattern, irritability and reduced performance at work; increased susceptibility to physical illness and abuse of alcohol and addictive drugs can also occur. Treatment can be difficult and may require a change to a less stressful lifestyle, counselling and, in severe cases, psychotherapy and carefully supervised use of anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs.

Rendering unserviceable by excessive heat.

Emotional exhaustion and depletion due to ongoing stress with corollary physical and mental fatigue.

A psychological state characterized by exhaustion, diminished enthusiasm, or feelings of disillusionment that impede one’s ability to effectively fulfill work-related obligations. Burnout is commonly attributed to prolonged exposure to stressors and is perceived as a consequential outcome of such circumstances.




