
A surgical operation to redirect the blood, usually using a grafted blood vessel and usually performed when one of the person’s own blood vessels is blocked.

Any surgically created, temporary or permanent channel or route around a part, esp. a part that has been damaged (e.g., a coronary bypass); a shunt.

To go around. In surgery the term is most frequently used in reference to blood vessels which are transplanted in order to provide a passage around an area where the blood vessels have been narrowed or closed due to disease or to hereditary malformation. For example, in the heart, coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) are used to bypass closed or narrowed blood vessels.

A means of circumvention; a shunt. It is used surgically to install an alternate route for the blood to flow past an obstruction if a main or vital artery such as the abdominal aorta or a coronary artery becomes obstructed. The various procedures are named according to the arteries involved (e.g., coronary artery, aortoiliac, or femoropopliteal bypasses). The circulation of the heart may be bypassed by providing an extracorporeal device to pump blood while a surgical procedure is being done on the coronary arteries or cardiac valves.

A surgical procedure in which the doctor creates a new pathway for the flow of body fluids.




