
Those pathways of metabolism concerned with the breakdown and oxidation of fuels and hence provision of metabolic energy. People who are undernourished or suffering from cachexia are sometimes said to be in a catabolic state, in that they are catabolising their body tissues, without replacing them.

Energy-yielding pathway. The phase of metabolism involved in the energy-yielding degradation of nutrient (food) molecules.

A phase of metabolism characterized by a chemical breakdown within the body of foods.

The process of breaking down complex chemicals into simple chemicals.

That aspect of metabolism which converts nutrients or complex substances m living cells into simpler compounds, with the release energy.

The totality of those reactions that reduce macromolecules to usable metabolites, carbon dioxide, and water.

Catabolism refers to metabolic processes in which biomolecules are broken down. For example, catabolism of macronutrients produces water, carbon dioxide, and energy. The energy produced can be harnessed to drive chemical reactions within the body.

Phase of metabolism in which complex chemicals are reduced to simpler forms.

Destructive phase of metabolism.

The process of breakdown of complex body compounds into simpler ones.

The chemical decomposition of complex substances by the body to form simpler ones, accompanied by the release of energy. The substances broken down include nutrients in food (carbohydrates, proteins, etc.) as well as the body’s storage products (such as glycogen).

The breakdown by the body of complex substances to form simpler ones, a process that is accompanied by the release of energy. Among the substances catabolised are nutrients, such as carbohydrates and proteins in food, and in storage in the body — for example, glycogen.

The destructive phase of metabolism; the opposite of anabolism. Catabolism includes all the processes in which complex substances are converted into simpler ones, often with the release of energy.

The phase of metabolism that involves the breaking down of complex compounds within the cells into smaller ones. This process releases energy that has been stored.

The process of deconstruction whereby intricate substances are disintegrated into elemental constituents.

Catabolism is a metabolic process that entails the breakdown of intricate molecules into simpler ones, leading to the liberation of energy. This energy release occurs as a result of the breakdown of these complex molecules.

Metabolism refers to the chemical process through which stored components of food, such as fats, are metabolized, thereby releasing energy into the cells of the body.

Catabolism is the process of breaking down dietary components into simpler substances, accompanied by the release of energy. This is the fundamental way an organism generates the energy required for all its bodily functions. The opposite process, where substances in the body are built up, is known as anabolism.




