Category: A

  • Amikacin

    Type of antibiotic used to treat infections caused by aerobic bacteria. One of the aminoglycosides, amikacin is a semi-synthetic derivative of kanamycin, which is used to treat infections caused by micro-organisms resistant to gentamicin and tobramycin.  

  • Amfetamine

    An addictive drug, similar to adrenaline, used to give a feeling of wellbeing and wakefulness.  

  • Ametropia

    A condition in which the eye cannot focus light correctly onto the retina, as in astigmatism, hypermetropia and myopia. The refractive condition in which, with accommodation relaxed, parallel rays of light do not focus on the retina; a condition representing the manifestation of a refractive error, specifically myopia, hypermetropia, or astigmatism; hence, a deviation from…

  • Ameloblastoma


    A tumour in the jaw, usually in the lower jaw. A locally malignant soft tumor in the jaw, arising from the cells of the primitive ‘enamel organ. The term adamantinoma, formerly used for this tumor, is now no longer in common use as it suggests (incorrectly) a growth that is as hard as mature enamel.…

  • Amelioration

    The process of getting better. Improvement; moderation of a condition. In medical terminology, recovery refers to the enhancement or improvement of a patient’s medical condition. The enhancement of a patient’s state or health.  

  • Ambulatory fever

    A mild fever where the patient can walk about and can therefore act as a carrier, e.g. during the early stages of typhoid fever.  

  • Ambulance

    A van for taking sick or injured people to hospital. A vehicle designed to transport sick or injured people. Ambulances contain cots to keep the person stationary and are equipped with devices for administering oxygen, intravenous fluids, cardiac care, and other lifesaving interventions. Ambulances are built for speed and smooth riding and have room for…

  • Amblyoscope

    An instrument for measuring the angle of a squint and how effectively someone uses both their eyes together. An instrument for measuring the angle of a squint and assessing the degree to which a person uses both eyes together. It consists of two L-shaped tubes, the short arms of which are joined by a hinge…

  • Ambiguous genitalia

    A congenital condition in which the outer genitals do not look typical of those of either sex. External reproductive organs that are not easily identified as male or female. Intersex, also known as a group of conditions, is characterized by the presence of ambiguous external sex organs in an individual, where it is not distinctly…

  • Ambidextrous

    Referring to a person who can use both hands equally well and who is not right-or left-handed. Describing a type of handedness in which a person uses both hands with equal proficiency and skill, with neither hand having dominance over the other. Capable of using both hands with equal skill and dexterity.