Category: A

  • Anemia

    A condition in which there is a reduced number of erythrocytes or decreased percentage of hemoglobin in the blood. A condition characterized by a decreased amount of hemoglobin in the blood. The most common type is iron-deficiency anemia (usually due to a diet low in iron), in which red blood cells are reduced in size…

  • Amphiarthrodiai

    A type of articulation joined by hyaline cartilage, classified as either permanent or stationary joints and slightly move-able.  

  • All-or-none law

    A muscle contracts to its fullest potential or not at all. Pertains to the fact that once a stimulus exceeds the threshold, further increases in the stimulus will not increase the amplitude of the action potential. The weakest stimulus capable of producing a response produces the maximum contraction of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, and…

  • Alkalosis

    When the blood has a lower hydrogen ion concentration than normal and an excessive base (bicarbonate ions) in the extracellular fluids. Excessive alkalinity of body fluids due to accumulation of alkalines or reduction of acids. A condition that results when the body loses too much carbon dioxide or acid as the result of forced breathing…

  • Aerobic exercise

    Aerobic exercise

    A method of conditioning the cardiorespiratory system by using a variety of activities that create an increased demand for oxygen over an extended period of time. Continuous rhythmic exercise using the large muscles of the body over an extended period of time. Aerobic exercise increases the body’s demand for oxygen, thereby adding to the workload…

  • Aerobic capacity (cardiorespiratory endurance)

    The ability of the body to remove oxygen from the air and transfer it through the lungs and blood to the working muscles. The maximum amount of oxygen the body can process over a given period of time.  

  • Adult onset obesity

    After age 18, when an individual acquires too much fat due to the increase in the size of his fat cells. Obesity first appearing in the adult years. Also known as recent obesity.  

  • Adrenaline (epinephrine)

    A hormone secreted by the medulla of the adrenal glands, especially under conditions of stress that induces physiologic symptoms such as accelerated heart rate, increased arterial blood pressure, and increase in blood sugar concentration. The hormone, that binds to adrenergic receptors; causes the “fight or flight” response. Substance secreted by part of the adrenal gland…

  • Adolescent onset obesity

    After puberty, when an individual acquires too much fat due to the sudden increase in the number of fat cells.  

  • Adaptive shortening

    Shortening of muscle fibers and decreased range of motion due to inactivity.