Category: A

  • Alexander, franz (1891-1964)

    Hungarian psychoanalist, professor of psichoanalisis at The University of Chicago; chief contributions were in areas of brief analytic and psychosomatic medicine.  

  • Alcoholic psychoses

    A group of major mental disorders associated with organic brain damage due to alcohol; in DSM-IIl-R categorized as alcohol-induced organic mental disorders. Includes delirium tremens, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and alcoholic hallucinosis.  

  • Alcoholic hallucinosis

    An organic mental disorder consisting of auditory hallucinations occurring in a clear sensorium, developing shortly after the reduction or cessation of drinking, usually within 48 hours. It commonly follows prolonged and heavy alcohol use. Associated with delirium tremens is characterized by auditory hallucinations is distinguished from delirium tremens in that it is a more chronic…

  • Al-Anon

    An organization of relatives of alcoholics operating in many communities under the philosophic and organizational structure of Alcoholics Anonymous to facilitate discussion and resolution of common problems. AL-ANON A twelve-step offshoot of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is an organization of spouses, family, and friends of alcoholics whose purpose it is to acquire insight into the problems…

  • Agism


    Systematic stereotyping of and discrimination against elderly people to create distance from their social plight and to avoid primitive fears of aging and death. It is distinguished from gerontophobia, a specific pathologic fear of old people and aging.  

  • Adrenergic system

    That system of organs and nerves in which epinephrine (adrenalin) is the neurotransmitter. All the nerve cells for which norepinephrine and epinephrine are the transmitter substances that consist of the nerve cells activated by acetylcholine.  

  • Adler, alfred (1870-1937)

    Viennese psychiatrist, founder of the school of individual psychology.  

  • Abuse (child, elder, sexual, spouse)

    To misuse, attack, or injure. The most common form of abuse is child abuse. To frequently use improperly or to misuse, child abuse; drug abuse. Sexual acts that are negatively sanctioned by society. improper or excessive use of program benefits, resources or services by either providers or consumers. Abuse can occur, intentionally or unintentionally, when…

  • Stuffing


    Dressing placed in meat, poultry or fish. A concoction employed to bestow flavor and, at times, mold a culinary creation. Its purpose varies, as it can be nestled within the cavities of certain poultry, sandwiched between two layers, spread upon fillets prior to rolling, or mingled with ground meat for the likes of galantines, in…

  • Kilowatt

    A unit of electric power equal to 1,000 watts.