Category: B

  • Breast reduction

    A reduction of the size of the breast for cosmetic purposes. The surgical removal of skin, fat, and underlying tissue to make the breast smaller. Breast reduction is per¬ formed most often to solve the problems faced by women with very large, heavy breasts. The excessive weight can cause neck and back pain, skeletal deformities,…

  • Breast reconstruction

    The construction of a new breast for a woman who has had a breast removed because of cancer. A surgical procedure to create a new breast to replace one that has been removed, usually because of cancer. Breast reconstruction can be performed when the breast is removed in a mastectomy or at a later date.…

  • Breast pump

    An instrument for taking milk from a breast. A device used to draw, or express, milk out of the breasts, as when a breastfeeding mother is going to be away from her baby for a few hours and wants to store some milk for the baby to have while she is away or on return.…

  • Breast palpation

    A breast to see if a lump is present which might indicate breast cancer.  

  • Breast milk

    Breast milk

    The milk produced by a woman who has recently had a baby. Milk like fluid secreted by female breasts after childbirth and used as food for newborns, providing all necessary nutrients and some level of immunity against certain diseases. Mother’s milk. Beginning with the colostrum produced the first few days after childbirth, breast milk provides…

  • Breast implant

    A sac containing silicone, implanted to improve the appearance of a breast. A surgical alteration in the size and/or contour of the breast or chest wall, either using the patient’s own tissue (e.g., pedicle graft) or a prosthesis. Breast augmentation refers to a surgical procedure that involves the placement of an artificial implant within the…

  • Breast-fed

    Referring to a baby which is fed from the mother’s breasts.    

  • Breastbone

    A bone which is in the centre of the front of the thorax and to which the ribs are connected.  

  • Breast


    One of two glands in a woman which secrete milk. A pair of hemispheric structures on the chest of mature females, composed largely of fatty tissue, surrounding 15 to 20 milk-secreting glands (physiologically modified sweat glands), with milk funneled into the nipple in the middle. Children and men have undeveloped breasts. Under some conditions, as…

  • Breakdown product

    Substance which is produced when a compound is broken down into its parts.