Category: D

  • Dead hand

    A condition characterized by circulatory problems in the fingers, commonly seen in workers using vibrating tools like rotary cutters and road drills, but also found in various other diseases.  

  • Dakin’s solution

    A liquid mixture for cleaning wounds, made up of bicarbonate of soda, chlorinated lime, and water, with the final addition of boric acid. A solution containing bleaching powder, specifically sodium hypochlorite.  

  • Dissociated anesthesia

    Anesthesia marked by the inability to feel pain and temperature, while still retaining the ability to perceive touch.  

  • Disorders of vein

    Frequently encountered vein-related conditions encompass varicose veins, characterized by the enlargement, distortion, or twisting of the affected vein. Deep vein thrombosis is another disorder, involving the formation of a blood clot within a vein deep in the leg. Additionally, thrombophlebitis, a condition marked by inflammation and clot formation within a vein, is also noteworthy.  

  • Diseases from rats

    Rats are a type of rodent that often reside near human settlements. They can harm and spoil agricultural produce and stored food, while also posing a risk of disease transmission. The organisms responsible for plague and one type of typhus are transmitted to humans by the bites of rat fleas. Leptospirosis (Weil’s disease) is caused…

  • Dental prosthetic

    The field of dentistry focused on restoring lost teeth and the structures that support them. This encompasses treatments like dentures, overdentures (removable attachments placed over existing teeth), as well as crowns and bridges.  

  • Disorders of ovary

    Various factors can lead to diseases and abnormalities in the ovaries. Absence of ovaries or their abnormal development is uncommon and is often linked to chromosomal irregularities, such as in Turner’s syndrome. Infections like gonorrhea or pelvic inflammatory disease can cause oophoritis, which is inflammation of an ovary. Ovarian cysts, typically noncancerous, are prevalent. Polycystic…

  • Disorders of menstruation

    Irregularities in menstrual bleeding are termed menstrual disorders. While these disorders can sometimes point to pelvic issues like fibroids, endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease, the root cause is frequently undetermined. Dysmenorrhea, which refers to painful menstrual periods, is the most prevalent menstrual disorder. Other forms include amenorrhea (lack of menstrual periods), polymenorrhea (extremely frequent periods),…

  • Diabetic maculopathy

    A complication arising from diabetes mellitus, it involves damage to the macula located at the rear of the retina. Typically, the rest of the retina is impacted as well.  

  • Gianotti-Crosti syndrome

    This is a benign and typical reaction of the skin to specific viral infections like hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr virus, and coxsackievirus. The condition manifests as a papular (lumpy) rash that appears on the face, buttocks, and limbs, lasting for several weeks. Primarily, this condition affects children aged between six months and twelve years. In some…