Category: H

  • Hookworm disease

    Condition, occurring chiefly in the tropics and subtropics, that results from intestinal infestation by hookworms, which most often enter the body by penetrating the skin, especially that of the feet when walking barefoot in hookworm-infested soil areas. Symptoms include abdominal discomfort, diarrhea, and blood loss sometimes leading to anemia. Treatment is with anthelminthic drugs. Intestinal…

  • Homogenous

    Derived from the same source.  

  • Histamine headache

    Headache associated with the release of histamine from cells. Symptoms include sharp pain on one side of the head, runny nose, and watery eyes. Treatment is by antihistamines and agents to constrict dilated arteries. Also called cluster headache. A headache resulting from ingestion of histamine (found in some wines), injection of histamine, or excessive histamine…

  • Histamine blocker

    general term for any agent that blocks receptors for the compound histamine; the two receptor sites are referred to as H1 and H2. H1 receptors mediate histamine- associated allergic reactions, dilate blood vessels and are blocked by the classic antihistamines. H2 receptors mediate the secretion of gastric acid. H2 blockers, generally referred to as histamine…

  • Hilus

    Depression or small pit in an organ, especially the entry site for blood vessels and nerves; also called hilum. A hollow situated on the surface of an organ, such as the kidney or spleen, at which structures such as blood vessels, nerve fibers, and ducts enter or leave it.  

  • Hexestrol

    Estrogen compound used to treat menstrual irregularities and menopausal symptoms and to prevent pregnancy.  

  • Hexachlorophene

    Topical anti- infective agent used as a disinfectant and antiseptic scrub. A disinfectant similar to phenol, formerly used in soaps and creams to treat skin disorders. Its use in medicinal products is limited because of the toxic effects it might produce when absorbed into the body. A widely used antiseptic which is active against a…

  • Heteroploidy

    Condition of having an abnormal number of chromosomes, either more or less than the number normal for body cells of the species.  

  • Heterophil test

    Blood test that, when positive, usually indicates infectious mononucleosis.  

  • Herpangia

    Viral infection occurring most often in children, characterized by sore throat; papules on the tongue, pharynx, and palate; fever; headache; and pain in the abdomen and extremities. It usually subsides within a short time.