Category: H

  • Haldol

    Brand name for the conventional antipsychotic drug haloperidol. A commercial preparation of haloperidol.  

  • Halcion

    Brand name for the benzodiazepine sedative-hypnotic drug triazolam.  

  • Habit reversal training

    A behavioral treatment originally developed to address a wide variety of repetitive behavior disorders such as tics, trichotillomania, nail biting, thumb sucking, and skin picking (dermatillomania). It consists of five components: 1) awareness training, 2) competing response training, 3) contingency management, 4) relaxation training, and 5) generalization training.  

  • Haan

    A term that refers to an individual or collective subconscious emotion in Korean people involving suppressed feelings of anger, rage, despair, frustration, holding of grudges, indignation, and revenge. It is considered an important factor in the development of hwa-byung.  

  • High smoke point

    A characteristic of some cooking oils, meaning they don’t easily oxidize from heat and can withstand higher temperatures while cooking.  

  • Heavy metals

    Metals with a high density that are toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Metals, such as mercury, arsenic, lead, nickel, and zinc, that may enter the human food chain from industrial pollution slowly accumulate in the body and adversely affect the nervous system. Metals such as mercury, lead, chromium, cadmium, and arsenic that have known…

  • Hypoglycemia

    An imbalance of glucose levels (low level) caused by various factors. Signs and symptoms include sweaty or clammy skin, hunger, feeling confused, dizziness, rapid heart rate, feeling nervous or shaky, and mood changes. Abnormally low level of blood sugar. An abnormally low blood glucose concentration, characterized by a number of symptoms such as dizziness, nausea,…

  • Hyperextension


    Going beyond neutral extension. To increase the angle of a joint past the normal range of motion. The excessive extension of a limb or joint, usually followed by pain and some inflammation. Extreme extension or overextension of a joint of the body. The act of stretching an arm or leg beyond its usual limits of…

  • Hydrostatic pressure

    The pressure exerted by molecules of a fluid on an immersed body. The pressure of fluids against their container. The pressure exerted by a fluid within a closed system. The pressure generated within a fluid system, either due to gravity or the force of muscle contractions, like the blood pressure generated by the heart’s beating.…

  • Human chain

    Several individuals link hands and arms to form a line while standing in the water to access a person in distress.