Category: I

  • Irrational beliefs

    Beliefs that have no basis in reality, thought by rational-emotive psychologists to underlie psychological distress.  

  • Iron

    A mineral element essential in forming red blood cells. A chemical element essential to the body, present in foods such as liver and eggs. A common grey metal. Mineral needed by the body to make red blood cells and build muscles; anaemia results from its deficiency. Formulated foods may be fortified with several iron salts,…

  • Iritis


    Inflammation of the iris, causing tearing, pain, and decreased visual sharpness.  

  • Iris diaphragm

    A diaphragm that automatically adjusts to match the optical values of the objective.  

  • Iris

    The pigmented membrane in front of the lens of the eye that acts as a diaphragm to control the amount of light entering the eye through its central opening, the pupil. A coloured ring in the eye, with the pupil at its centre. Coloured, muscular ring at the centre of the eye. Circular, colored part…

  • Iridology


    A pseudoscience that is based on the belief that most abnormalities of the body cause abnormal markings in the eye. The analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye to assess person’s general health and to detect certain forms of disease. The belief is that the iris is divided into six regions by…

  • Ipso facto

    As a necessary consequence.  

  • Ipsative stability

    Stability that is achieved by maintaining the constancy of some trait or tendency, normative stability.  

  • Iproniazid

    An MAO antidepressant by elevating neurotransmitter levels by inhibiting their metabolism. A drug administered by mouth to treat all types of depression. Side-effects may include constipation, dizziness, difficulty in urination, insomnia, headaches, and impotence.  

  • Ipecac

    The dried root of Uragoga ipecacuanha, a shrub found chiefly in Brazil that can cause vomiting. A syrup used to induce vomiting. Drug used to induce vomiting in some types of poisoning and drug overdose. Adverse effects include gastrointestinal irritation and prolonged vomiting. A substance that when ingested induces vomiting; it is used to remove…