Category: I

  • Instillation

    An abortion technique in which a foreign substance is injected into the uterus to induce labor. The process of putting a liquid in drop by drop. Liquid put in drop by drop. The application of liquid medication drop by drop, as into the eye. Slowly pouring or dropping a liquid into a cavity or onto…

  • Instigation

    That which sets the occasion for behavior.  

  • In statu quo

    In the situation that existed previously.  

  • In-state student

    A legal resident of a state for the purposes of calculating tuition at a school or college.  

  • Inspissated

    Thickened by evaporation or absorption of fluid. Referring to a liquid which is thickened by removing water from it. Made less liquid or viscous due to thickening or drying.  

  • Inspire

    To breathe in. To inhale air or a gas into the lungs.  

  • Inspiration

    The act of breathing in or drawing air into the lungs. The act of taking air into the lungs. Act of drawing air into the lungs. Contraction of the diaphragm causes the lungs to expand and air to flow in. The inhalation of air into the lungs. Inspiration involves contraction of the diaphragm and enlargement…

  • Inspectionalism


  • Inspection

    A process used to detect physical abnormalities by using the sense of sight. Visual observation of external surfaces or internal body cavities. Visual examination of the external surface of the body as well as of its movements and posture. The process of visually inspecting the body using the naked eyes, and if necessary, employing a…

  • In situ cancer

    Cancer confined to the site of origin. No metastasis has yet occurred.