Category: I

  • Individualized learning

    A means of arranging the learning environment so that all learners have the opportunity to satisfy their health needs and interests according to their personal capabilities, at times and in ways best suited to their motivation and speed of learning. It is the use of methods, techniques, or strategies that influence the learning of each…

  • Individualized language plan (ILP)

    A language learning program designed to fit each student’s language skills and background. Similar to an IEP, students who are challenged in the area of language are targeted by such a plan.  

  • Individualized instruction

    Educational activities that are tailored to the needs and interests of individual learners. Each student receives his or her own learning plan, associated activities, and evaluation mechanisms, individualized learning.  

  • Individual financing

    In health care and health services, the financing of health costs without the benefit of any prepayment or insurance plan.  

  • Individual education program (IEP)

    A specially planned instruction program and evaluation designed for a particular handicapped learner. This program is required by Public Law 94-142.  

  • Indirect transmission

    The transmission of a disease to a susceptible host by means of vectors, fomites, or through the air. Transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with an intermediate contaminated object such as a razor, extractor, nipper, or an environmental surface.  

  • Indirect method of age adjustment

    In epidemiology, standard rates are applied to the population being studied so as to calculate the expected number of events that is then compared with the observed number of events.  

  • Indirect euthanasia

    Passive euthanasia. The process of allowing a person to die by discontinuing life-support systems or withholding life-saving techniques.  

  • Indirect contact

    A means of transmitting a communicable disease indirectly by contact with contaminated objects, direct contact. The fact of catching a disease by inhaling germs or by being in contact with a vector. Transmission of a communicable disease by any medium between the host and the susceptible person. The medium may be, for example, contaminated food…

  • Indirect calorimeter

    The measurement of the amount of oxygen consumed.