Category: I

  • Interauricular

    In the space separating the auricles, which are the upper chambers of the heart, and are more precisely referred to as atria.  

  • Insulin reaction or shock

    A condition resulting from an excessive amount of insulin in the bloodstream. While it can occur spontaneously, it is primarily caused by an overdose of insulin.  

  • Iniratemporal

    Beneath the temporal bone, which forms the temple region of the skull.  

  • Impetigo neonatorum

    A type of impetigo in newborns characterized by blisters. The causing germ is often transmitted by a nurse, visitor, or someone with impetigo. This condition is also known as pemphigus neonatorum.  

  • Impetigo follicularis

    An inflammatory condition affecting the hair follicles that leads to pus-filled sores on any part of the skin. It’s also known as Bockhart’s impetigo.  

  • Imperforation

    A situation where an opening is unnaturally sealed or closed.  

  • Insulin coma

    When a diabetic individual doesn’t eat while taking insulin, their blood sugar can drop to dangerously low levels, resulting in what’s known as an insulin coma. The severity of this condition can range from mild disorientation to a full-blown coma. Symptoms include sweating and a lack of acetone odor in the breath, and the individual…

  • Irregular menstruation

    Irregular menstruation refers to deviations from the usual menstrual pattern. This includes changes in the time between periods, the length of bleeding, or the volume of blood shed. The primary reason is an imbalance between the oestrogen and progesterone hormones. Other factors can be stress, travel, a shift in contraceptive methods, unexpected pregnancy, or an…

  • Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis

    An uncommon type of osteoporosis characterized by diminished bone density, observed in children aged eight to 14. Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis manifests through discomfort in the legs and back, kyphosis (curvature of the upper spine), challenges in walking, and heightened vulnerability to fractures. Typically, this condition commences abruptly and frequently resolves naturally within a span of…

  • Istin

    A brand name associated with amlodipine, a calcium channel blocker medication utilized for conditions like angina pectoris (chest discomfort from inadequate blood flow to the heart) and high blood pressure.