Category: I

  • Ichthopaste

    Ichthopaste is a trademarked medicated bandage infused with ichthammol and zinc paste. It is utilized in the management of chronic eczema to help reduce itching.  

  • Ischaemic heart disease

    Ischaemic heart disease, the most prevalent type of heart disease, involves the narrowing or blockage of the coronary arteries. This condition is generally a result of atherosclerosis and leads to a diminished blood supply to the heart.  

  • Injectable contraceptives

    A hormonal method of contraception involves the periodic injection of long-acting progestogen drugs every two to three months. Injectable contraceptives are highly effective in preventing pregnancy; however, they can potentially lead to menstrual disturbances, weight gain, headaches, and nausea, particularly during the initial months of usage. Despite these possible side effects, many women find injectable…

  • Infantile colic

    Bouts of restlessness and heightened wailing in typically robust infants. The ailment is believed to arise from contractions in the bowels. An infant afflicted with colic exhibits relentless crying or shrieking, curls up the legs towards the abdomen, and may display facial redness along with occasional flatulence. The baby remains unresponsive to customary soothing techniques…

  • Incompatible blood transfusion

    An incompatible blood transfusion occurs when there is a mismatch between the recipient’s blood and the donor’s blood. This mismatch triggers the recipient’s antibodies to attack and destroy the transfused red blood cells, leading to potentially severe consequences such as kidney failure and, in rare cases, even death. However, thanks to meticulous cross-matching of blood…

  • Irritable bowel disease

    A condition affecting the intestines, commonly characterized by abdominal discomfort and the occurrence of loose or watery stools.  

  • Irido corneal endothelial syndrome

    A particular form of glaucoma characterized by the migration of cells from the posterior part of the cornea onto the surface of the iris and the eye’s drainage tissue. This leads to the development of adhesions that connect the iris to the cornea.  

  • Invasive surgery

    A surgical procedure wherein an opening is made in the patient’s body and instruments or medical devices are inserted through it.  

  • Intrinsic sphincter deficiency (ISD)

    An influential factor in cases of severe stress incontinence is the insufficient strength of the sphincter muscles to effectively maintain closure of the bladder.  

  • Intrathecal therapy

    The method of administering chemotherapy by directly injecting it into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through a lumbar puncture procedure.