Category: J

  • Jejunocolostomy

    The formation of an artificial passage between the jejunum and colon. A surgical procedure that connects the jejunum to the colon.  

  • Jejunocecostomy

    The formation of a passage between the cecum and jejunum.  

  • Jefferson fracture

    A burst fracture of the first cervical vertebra (atlas), usually involving the anterior and posterior arches, that results from compression of the cervical spine. Jefferson fractures are classified as stable when the transverse ligament is intact and unstable when the ligament has been ruptured. The majority of Jefferson fractures are associated with other spinal pathology,…

  • Jazz ballet bottom

    An abscess in the cleft between the buttocks, caused by excessive exertion combined with chafing of the skin.  

  • Jaw winking

    Involuntary movements of the eyelid when the jaw is elevated or depressed. This may be seen in patients who have recovered from Bell’s palsy.  

  • Jaw thrust

    A maneuver used to open the airway of unconscious patients or of patients who cannot control their own airway, by jutting the patient’s jaw for ward, which in turn moves the tongue away from the back of the throat. This procedure is used especially in opening the airway of patients with suspected spinal injury, because…

  • Jaundice of newborn

    Nonpathological jaundice affecting newborns, usually resulting from the destruction of red blood cells by the immature liver at birth. The destruction of red blood cells causes unconjugated bilirubin to accumulate in the blood and skin. Benign neonatal jaundice manifests 48 to 72 hr after birth, lasts only a few days, and typically does not require…

  • Jar

    A container made of glass, plastic, or other sturdy material. It is usually taller than it is wide and may be cylindrical, square, or another shape.  

  • Japanese spotted fever

    A spotted fever transmitted to humans by the bite of Ixodes ticks infected with Rickettsia japonica, also known as R. helvetica. The disease has been identified mostly in Japan and Korea.  

  • Janus family of protein kinases

    A group of enzymes that influence the growth and differentiation of cells through their impact on cytokine receptors.