Category: J

  • Joint dislocation

    An irregularity in the close positioning of the two parts of a joint that prevents the joint from functioning normally. The most common large joint dislocation occurs in the shoulder, but joint dislocations may also occur in the shoulder, hip or spinal vertebrae. Symptoms of a joint dislocation include a misshapen appearance, pain, swelling, discoloration,…

  • Joint range of motion

    The measurement of a joint’s ability to move through its arc, to assess and preserve the joint’s capacity following injury or illness, and during the aging process.  

  • Juxtaglomerular

    Smooth-muscle cells found near the afferent and efferent arterioles adjacent to the glomerulus.  

  • Jumentous

    Smelling strongly like an animal, as, e.g., urine in certain diseases.  

  • Jock itch

    Colloquial term for tinea cruris. A fungal infection of the groin; also known as tinea cruris. Jock itch is characterized by itching of the groin and a scaly red skin rash with sharply defined borders. Usually the genitals are not involved, but there may be itching and discomfort around the anus. Often the rash spreads…

  • Jejunoileitis

    Inflammation of both the jejunum and ileum of the small intestine.  

  • Jejunitis

    Inflammation of the jejunum, caused by one of many possible diseases, including bacterial infections, celiac sprue, Crohn’s disease, ischemia, radiation, injury, or vasculitis.  

  • Jejune

    Lacking in nutritive value.  

  • Jarvik heart

    Type of artificial heart used, with variable success, in recent human implantations. A type of artificial (man-made) heart developed by Robert Jarvik, MD. In its present state of development, the Jarvik heart is used as a “bridge” before a heart transplant. The heart is powered from outside the body.  

  • Jamais vu

    Sensation of being strange or unfamiliar with a person or surroundings that actually are familiar. It can occur in normal persons but is most often associated with certain types of epilepsy. One of the manifestations of temporal lobe epilepsy, in which there is a sudden feeling of unfamiliarity with everyday surroundings. The subjective sense of…