Category: K

  • Killed virus

    Used to prepare certain vaccines.  

  • Kelling’s test

    A test done to detect the presence of lactic acid in the stomach. Lactic acid is normally seen in the stomach only in abnormal conditions.  

  • Keep vein open

    A term used in a hospital that indicates the need for a continuous intravenous infusion (usually using normal saline solution). Purpose: To allow immediate access if intravenous medication is required for emergency or other treatment purposes. An order indicating that the patency of an intubated vessel be maintained so that subsequent intravenous solutions or medicines…

  • Kyphotic pelvis

    Abnormal backward curvature of the lumbar spine resulting in a narrowed pelvic diameter. A deformed pelvis characterized by an increase of the conjugate diameter at the brim with reduction of the transverse diameter at the outlet.  

  • Kussmaul respirations

    Air hunger; rapid and deep respirations without pause.  

  • Korsakoff syndrome

    Brain damage due to nutritional deficits associated with chronic alcoholism; characterized by severe impairment of short-term memory; patient often resorts to confabulation to compensate for gaps in memory function. An organic disorder affecting the brain that results in a memory defect in which new information fails to be learned although events from the past are…

  • Keratomileusis

    Surgical correction of a refractive error by reshaping the deep layer of the cornea.  

  • Kuru

    Progressive disease of the central nervous system characterized by tremors and increasing lack of coordination and leading to paralysis and death, usually within a year after the onset of symptoms. The disease, known only among the Fore people of New Guinea, is thought to be caused by a prion, an abnormal form of a normal…

  • Kraurosis

    Drying, thickening, and shriveling of the skin, especially that of the external genitalia of a woman (kraurosis vulvae). Atrophy and dryness of the skin and any mucous membrane, especially of the vulva. The subcutaneous fat of the mons pubis and labia disappears, clitoris and prepuce atrophy, and stenosis of the vaginal orifice is common. Fissures…

  • Koilonydiia

    Condition in which the nails are thin and concave (spoon-shaped), sometimes associated with iron-deficiency anemia.