Category: L

  • Lesser vestibular gland

    The more anterior of the vestibular glands.  

  • Lesser trochanter

    A projection on the femur which is the insertion of the psoas major muscle. A conical tuberosity on the medial and posterior surface of the upper end of the femur, at the junction of the shaft and neck.  

  • Leresis

    Uncoordinated speech, a sign of dementia. Talkativeness, rambling speech, especially in the aged. Rambling speech, immature both in syntax and pronunciation. It is a feature of dementia.  

  • Leptomeningitis

    Inflammation of the leptomeninges. Inflammation of the inner membranes (the pia mater and arachnoid) of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis in which infection, carcinoma, or inflammation involves only the pia mater and arachnoid membranes of the brain, not the dura mater.  

  • Leptomeninges

    The two inner meninges, the pia mater and arachnoid. Arachnoid membrane and pia mater, the inner two of the three layers covering the brain and spinal cord.  

  • Leptocyte

    A thin red blood cell found in anaemia. A red blood cell (erythrocyte) that is abnormally thin. Leptocytes are seen in certain types of anemia.  

  • Leproma

    A lesion of the skin caused by leprosy. A cutaneous nodule or tubercle characteristic of leprosy.  

  • Lepidosis

    A skin eruption in which pieces of skin fall off in flakes. Any scaly or desquamating eruption such as pityriasis.  

  • Leontiasis

    A rare disorder in which the skull bones become enlarged and may give the appearance of a lion’s head. It occurs if Paget’s disease is not treated. Condition in which a person has a somewhat lionlike facial expression or head structure; occurs in some diseases (e.g., leprosy). Overgrowth of the skull bones, said to resemble…

  • Lentigo


    A small brown spot on the skin often caused by exposure to sunlight. Lentigines, brown, roundish flat spot on the skin, often the result of exposure to the sun. A brown roundish flat spot on the skin caused by excess development of melanin. Commoner in old people, lentigo sometimes turns into a slow-growing skin cancer.…