Category: L

  • Lumbar plexus

    One of the four primary nerve branches along the spine; services the gluteal and inguinal regions and the lower extremities. The point where several nerves which supply the thighs and abdomen join together, lying in the upper psoas muscle. Network of nerves formed by the ventral divisions of some of the lumbar nerves; it is…

  • Low-back pain

    Low-back pain

    A common symptom of musculoskeletal disorders or of disorders involving the lumbar vertebrae and related soft tissue structures such as muscles, ligaments, nerves, and intervertebral discs.  

  • Lordosis

    Abnormal curvature of the spine. Lordosis (bent backward) is an increased concave curve in the lumbar region of the spine. Lordosis is often accompanied by an increased anterior pelvic tilt. The abdomen and the buttocks protrude, and the arms hang further back. Sway back, increased or excessive lumbar curve. Excessive forward curvature of the lower…

  • Longitudinal axis

    A line from the top of the head running vertically to the feet through the center of the body.    

  • Long bone

    Long bone

    A bone that is longer than it is wide. Long bones include the femur, tibia, and humerus. Any long limb bone that contains marrow and ends in a part that forms a joint with another bone.  

  • Locus of control

    Determines where a person perceives he or she receives personal power. The degree to which a person views outcomes as happening because of his or her own ability or because of chance, fate, or other. A term used in reference to an individual’s sense of mastery or control over events. Persons with an internal locus…

  • Lipoprotein

    A water-soluble molecule of protein and lipids. Water-soluble compound composed of apolipo-protein and lipid components that transport fat in the bloodstream. A conjugated protein containing a lipid or a group of lipids. For example, low-density lipoproteins (also known as “bad” cholesterol) are a “package” of cholesterol (lipid) surrounded by a hydrophilic protein. A combination of…

  • Linear progression or freestyle choreography

    A style of choreography in which a series of moves are performed without a predictable pattern (thus the term “freestyle”).  

  • Limited liability company (LLC)

    A business structure in which the owners (referred to as members) have limited personal liability for the debts and actions of the company.  

  • Lifeguard lung disease

    Granulomatous pneumonitis. This disease is characterized by inflamed nodules in the lungs and is most often associated with indoor pool facilities with water spray features, where bacteria is suspended in water droplets.