Category: M

  • Myocarditis

    Inflammation of the main muscle of the heart, often from infection. Inflammation of the myocardium (heart muscle); it may be caused by viral, bacterial, or fungal infection, or by rheumatic fever, or occur as a complication of another disease. Treatment depends on the cause. Inflammation of the myocardium (the heart muscle). Myocarditis is uncommon and…

  • Myocardial contusion

    A bruise of the muscular tissue of the heart. Cardiac injury resulting from blunt or penetrating trauma to the chest. It is an occasional cause of cardiac arrhythmia and rarely a cause of rupture of the heart.  

  • Myelitis

    Inflammation or infection of the nerves of the spinal cord. An inflammation of bone marrow. Myelitis is the label describing a category of diseases marked by inflammation of the spinal cord. Adams and Victor (1993) summarized the adjectives commonly used to describe the course of myelitis. Acute refers to the development of symptoms within a…

  • Myelinization

    The process of a nerve developing a myelin sheath, which serves to speed nerve impulses. Development of a myelin sheath around a nerve fiber.  

  • Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare

    A rare form of bacteria, related to the bacteria that causes tuberculosis, that is common in AIDS, but uncommon in those with healthy immune systems.  

  • Myasthenia gravis

    A progressive, fatal disease of the muscles characterized by slow paralysis of various muscle groups. Autoimmune disease characterized by chronic, progressive muscle fatigue and weakness, especially in the face and throat. A rare autoimmune disorder affecting the conjunction of nerves and muscles, in which voluntary muscles cannot contract normally, leaving the person very weak. Eye…

  • Mutual masturbation

    Masturbation as a couple activity in which each person sexually stimulates himself or herself while the partner does the same or observes the other.  

  • Mutually exclusive categories

    In epidemiology, a situation in which each subject appears in only one category.  

  • Mutuality

    According to Levinger, the stage of a relationship in which a couple thinks of themselves as “we.”  

  • Muton

    The smallest unit of DNA that can undergo change resulting in a mutation. Smallest unit of the hereditary material deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in which a change can produce a mutation.