Category: O

  • Otorhinolaryngologist

    A doctor who specialises in the study of the ear, nose and throat.  

  • Otomycosis

    An infection of the external auditory meatus by a fungus. A fungus infection of the ear, causing irritation and inflammation of the canal joining the eardrum to the external ear (external auditory meatus). It is one of the causes of otitis externa. An infection of the external auditory meatus of the ear caused by a…

  • Otolith organ

    One of two pairs of sensory organs in the inner ear, the saccule and the utricle, which pass information to the brain about the position of the head.  

  • Otolaryngologist

    A doctor who specialises in treatment of diseases of the ear and throat. Physician who practices the specialty of ear, nose, and throat disorders; also known as ENT specialists. A medical professional specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the head and neck area. This specialist is sometimes referred to as an ear,…

  • Otitis interna

    Inflammation of the inner ear.  

  • Otitis externa

    Inflammation of the external auditory meatus to the eardrum. Inflammation or infection of the outer ear, a common type of ear and hearing problem; popularly called swimmer’s ear. Inflammation of the auricle of the external ear leading to the tympanic membrane (eardrum). It may be caused by infection (bacterial, viral, or fungal); allergic reaction to…

  • Otic ganglion

    A ganglion associated with the mandibular nerve where it leaves the skull. A small ganglion located deep in the zygomatic fossa immediately below the foramen ovale. It lies medial to the mandibular nerve and supplies postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland.  

  • Osteosclerosis

    A condition in which the bony spaces become hardened as a result of persistent inflammation. Abnormal increase in bone density, resulting from a variety of diseases, including tumor formation, inadequate blood supply, or chronic infection. A rare hereditary disorder of bone formation characterized by an abnormal increase in bone density, which results in massive, fragile…

  • Osteosarcoma

    A malignant tumour of bone cells. Malignant bone tumor, most common in children and young adults in whom it often affects the femur, but also occurring in older adults and affecting other body sites. Pain and swelling typically mark the tumor site. Treatment is by surgery, usually amputation of die limb, followed by chemotherapy. Malignant…

  • Osteoplastic necrotomy

    A surgical operation to remove a piece of dead bone tissue.