Category: P

  • Plantar arch

    The curved part of the sole of the foot running. The arch in the sole of the foot formed by anastomosing branches of the plantar arteries. The arch formed by the external plantar artery and the deep branch of the dorsalis pedis artery.  

  • Planta

    The sole of the foot.  

  • Planned parenthood

    A situation in which two people plan to have a specific number of children, and take contraceptives to control the number of children in the family. Planned Parenthood Federation of America; a national organization founded in 1916 that provides education about reproduction and counseling and medical care for sexually active individuals. It also acts as…

  • Plagiocephaly

    A condition in which a person has a distorted head shape, from irregular closure of the cranial sutures. Any distortion or lack of symmetry in the shape erf the head, usually due to irregularity in the closure of the sutures between the bones of the skull. A malformation of the skull producing the appearance of…

  • Placentography

    An X-ray examination of the placenta of a pregnant woman after a radiopaque dye has been injected. Radiography of the pregnant womb in order to determine the position of the placenta. The procedure of rendering the placenta visible by means of the non-invasive and safe method of ultrasound. Examination of the placenta by radiography.  

  • Placenta praevia

    A condition in which the fertilized egg becomes implanted in the lower part of the uterus, which means that the placenta lies across the cervix and may become detached during childbirth and cause brain damage to the baby. Implantation of the placenta in the bottom part of the uterus adjacent to or over the cervix.…

  • Placental insufficiency

    A condition in which the placenta does not provide the fetus with the necessary oxygen and nutrients.  

  • Placental barrier

    A barrier which prevents the blood of a fetus and that of the mother from mixing, but allows water, oxygen and hormones to pass from mother to fetus. The selective ability of the placental membranes to limit the exchange of substances between the maternal and fetal circulations. Although water, oxygen and other gases, drugs, needed…

  • Placental

    Referring to the placenta.  

  • Pityriasis rubra

    A serious, sometimes fatal, skin disease, a type of exfoliative dermatitis in which the skin turns dark red and is covered with white scales. A long-lasting inflammatory skin condition that typically affects the entire body. The skin becomes red and is overlaid with white scales. The condition can persist for months to years and often…