Category: Q

  • Quantum limit

    The minimum wavelength present in the spectrum produced by x-rays.  

  • Quadrant hemianopia

    Blindness of symmetrical quadrant of the field of vision in each eye.  

  • Quadriceps gait

    A gait in which the trunk leans forward at the beginning of the stance phase to lock the knee when the quadriceps femoris muscle is weak or paralyzed.  

  • Quadriplegic standing frame

    A device for supporting a patient with all four extremities paralyzed.  

  • Quarternary ammonium compound

    A salt of ammonia (NH4+) in which the loci held by the hydrogen ions in ammonia are held instead by alkyl groups.  

  • Quadrangular bandage

    A towel or large handkerchief, folded variously and applied as a bandage of head, chest, breast, or abdomen.  

  • Quinghaosu

    A herbal drug used for two millennia in China to treat malaria. Its action derives from sesquiterpene lactone, a substance that cuts the number of blood-borne malarial parasites.  

  • Qui tarn claimant

    “Qui tarn” is short for the Latin phrase “qui tarn pro domino rege quam pro si ipso in hac parte sequitur” which means “Who sues on behalf of the King as well as for himself”. A person, usually an informer, who brings an action under a statute which establishes a penalty for the omission or…

  • Quinlan case

    The landmark legal case concerning the right of an incompetent person to refuse medical treatment, commonly referred to as the “right to die.” In 1975 Karen Quinlan, a 22-year-old who had sustained severe brain damage, perhaps as a result of consuming alcohol and drugs, became comatose and remained in a chronic vegetative state. A mechanical…

  • Quality assurance professional

    A person in a health care institution who carries out quality assurance (QA) activities. The term “QAP” has not been tightly defined; it includes administrators with QA duties, quality assurance coordinators, directors of quality assurance, utilization review coordinators, DRG coordinators, discharge planners, and risk managers. These and other individuals in quality assurance are eligible for…