Category: R

  • Russell’s viper venom

    The toxin from Russell’s viper. It is used to investigate disorders of blood coagulation, such as are present in antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, factor V Leiden deficiency, and others.  

  • Russell body

    A small spherical hyaline body found in cancerous and simple inflammatory growths.  

  • Rupture of uterus

    A rare condition in which the uterine muscles are torn apart by the stresses of unrelieved obstructed labor, the parting of an old cesarean delivery scar, or aggressive induction or augmentation of labor.  

  • Rupture of the tympanic membrane

    A disruption of the epithelium that separates the external auditory canal from the middle ear. This can occur as a result of trauma, or more often as a consequence of a middle ear infection.  

  • Rupture of tubes

    A rupture of a fallopian tube, a surgical emergency in ectopic pregnancy. This may occur without the woman’s knowledge of her pregnancy.  

  • Rupture of perineum

    Spontaneous laceration of the perineum during the second stage of labor. The event occurs more commonly in primiparas and may be avoided by having an episiotomy.  

  • Rupture of membranes

    The rupture of the amniotic sac as a normal result of dilation of the cervix uteri in labor.  

  • Rupture of the achilles tendon

    Disruption of the attachments of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles to the posterior calcaneus, an injury that typically occurs in middle-aged male athletes participating in basketball or other ball sports, some divers, or patients treated with steroid injections for Achilles tendonitis.  

  • Rupia

    A rash, usually caused by tertiary syphilis, first manifested by large elevations of the epidermis filled with a clear, bloodstained, turbid, or purulent serum. The bulla bursts and allows some fluid to escape. As it desiccates, it is covered with a crust that dries, accumulates new layers, and becomes covered with greenish-brown scales, sometimes to…

  • Runner’s high

    Feelings of relaxation experienced by many persons who participate in an intensive aerobic exercise program. A phenomenon in which a runner experiences euphoria precipitated by the act of running.