Category: V

  • Vagal tone

    The action of the vagus nerve to slow the beat of the sinoatrial node.  

  • Vagal

    Referring to the vagus nerve.  

  • Vacuum suction

    A method used to achieve an abortion, after dilatation of the cervix.  

  • Vacuum extractor

    A surgical instrument formed of a rubber suction cup which is used in vacuum extraction during childbirth. A suction cup that can be attached to the head of a fetus in order to aid delivery. The idea of a suction cup being applied to the emerging head of the baby to assist in delivery was…

  • Vacuum extraction

    The procedure of pulling on the head of the baby with a suction instrument to aid birth. In childbirth, use of a suction cup placed on a baby’s head and attached to a machine called a vacuum extractor, or ventouse, to help ease delivery, with the suction timed to the contractions of the uterus. Vacuum…

  • Vaccinotherapy

    The treatment of a disease with a vaccine.  

  • Vaccinate

    To introduce vaccine into a person’s body in order to make the body create its own antibodies, so making the person immune to the disease.  

  • Visiting nurse association or visiting nurse service

    A voluntary health agency which provides nursing services in the home, including health supervision, education and counseling; bedside care; and the carrying out of physicians orders using nurses and other personnel such as home health aides who are specifically trained for specific tasks of personal bedside care. These agencies had their origin in the visiting…

  • Visit

    An encounter between a patient and a health professional which requires either the patient to travel from his home to the professional’s usual place of practice (an office visit), or vice versa (a housecall or home visit). A short stay with someone, especially to comfort a patient. A short stay with a professional person. In…

  • Vendor payment

    Used in public assistance programs to distinguish those payments made directly to vendors of service from those cash income payments made directly to assistance recipients. The vendors, or providers of health services, are reimbursed directly by the program for services they provide to eligible recipients. Vendor payments are essentially the same as service benefits provided…