Category: V

  • Veinlet


    Small vein.  

  • Vegetative propagation

    Asexual reproduction, reproduction not through seed and fruit but by bulbils, runners, plantlets, stolons etc.  

  • Vegetative apomixis

    Form of apomixis in which plants reproduce vegetatively through bulbils, stolons, runners etc. Concerned with growth and with nutrition. Functioning involuntarily or unconsciously, as the vegetative nervous system. Resting; denoting the portion of a cell cycle during which the cell is not involved in replication. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of plants.  

  • Vegetative

    Non-sexual; Associated with root, stem and leaf. In psychology, withdrawn or deteriorated to the point where the person leads a passive, vegetable-like existence. Referring to growth of tissue or organs. Referring to a state after brain damage, where a person is alive and breathing but shows no responses. To growth and nutrition, as opposed to…

  • Vascular tissue

    Tissue consisting mostly of strands or vessels, as opposed to cellular tissue.  

  • Vascular system

    The network of specialised cells that conduct through the body of a plant both water (in xylem tissue) and assimilated products (in phloem tissue). The tubular blood-conducting network of the body composed of arteries, veins, and capillaries. The series of vessels such as veins, arteries and capillaries, carrying blood around the body. The blood vessels:…

  • Vascular plants

    Those plants which possess vessels, i.e. Spermatophytes and Pteridophytes. Plant that possesses vessels for the transport of water and nutrients, i.e. lycopods, ferns and seed plants. Plants which have vascular tissue, which form channels for conducting water and nutrients. The group includes Conifers, Dicotyledons, Monocotyledons, Ferns, Horsetails, Clubmosses and Quillworts and excludes lower plants, comprising…

  • Vascular cylinder

    The central ‘cord’ of vascular tissue.  

  • Vascular bundle

    A strand of specialised tissue that conducts water or nutrients within the plant.  

  • Vascular

    Referring to the xylem or phloem or both. Pertaining to blood vessels or indicative of a copious blood supply. Containing vessels. Pertaining to the blood vessels, such as arteries, veins, or capillaries, or to the vessels that conduct lymph fluid. A plant with tubelike tissues (xylem and phloem cells) that conduct water and nutrients to…