Category: V

  • Visual field

    The area which can be seen without moving the eye. Area in front of the eye, in which an object can be seen without moving the eye. The total area a person can see when looking straight ahead. A normal visual field is 180 degrees, or a half-circle. The visual field is measured in a…

  • Visual cortex

    The part of the cerebral cortex which receives information about sight. Areas in the right and left occipital lobes of the brain that merge images from both eyes to create a single image that is right side up and in its original horizontal direction. The primary visual areas of the cerebral cortex, contained in the…

  • Visual axis

    The line between the object on which the eye focuses, and the fovea.  

  • Visual

    Referring to sight or vision.  

  • Visitor

    A person who visits.  

  • Visiting times

    The times of day when friends are allowed into a hospital to visit patients.  

  • Vision centre

    The point in the brain where the nerves relating to the eye come together.  

  • Visible

    Able to be seen.  

  • Visceroreceptor

    A receptor cell which reacts to stimuli from organs such as the stomach, heart and lungs.  

  • Visceroptosis

    A movement of an internal organ downwards from its usual position. A condition characterized by the descent, misplacement, or dropping of an abdominal organ. It is also referred to as splanchnoptosis. A condition involving the displacement or downward movement of an abdominal organ, also known as splanchnoptosis.