Category: W

  • Wormian bones

    Any of several tiny, soft bones, found along the edges of the sutures between the cranial bones. One of a number of small bones that occur in the cranial sutures.  

  • Whole blood

    Blood that has not been modified or altered, except for the addition of an anticoagulant, used in blood transfusions. Various components of whole blood may be separated out and used to replace a missing or deficient clotting factor in the blood of persons with certain diseases (e.g., certain clotting factors separated out and given to…

  • Whiplash

    Colloquial term for an injury to the cervical (neck) vertebrae and their associated ligaments and muscles, causing pain and stiffness; often the result of rapid acceleration or deceleration, as in a car accident. Also called cervical acceleration-deceleration syndrome. An injury to the cervical vertebrae (neck bones) or adjacent soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, disks, and tendons)…

  • Wet lung

    Condition characterized by cough and rales in the lung, occurring among persons exposed to irritants such as ammonia, chlorine, and corrosive chemical vapors. Treatment involves removal of the irritants and treatment of any possible lung damage.  

  • Wean

    To induce a child to give up breast-feeding, or more generally, to detach a person &om something he or she is dependent on. To accustom an infant to discontinuation of breast milk by substitution of other nourishment.  

  • Waterbed

    Bed with a flexible waterproof mattress filled with water, used medically to prevent and treat bedsores.  

  • Wasting

    Process of deterioration, in which there are weight loss and decreased strength, appetite, and activity. Enfeebling; causing loss of strength or size; emaciating. Occurs when the diet lacks protein; the body breaks down body tissue (e.g., muscle) and uses it as a protein source. A weight that is significantly lower than the average weight of…

  • Walleye

    Abnormal condition in which one or both eyes are off center and point outward; divergent strabismus. An eye in which the iris is light-colored or white.  

  • Walker

    Light metal apparatus, about waist high with four sturdy legs, used as aid in walking, often by a person who has had a stroke. A device used to assist a person in walking, especially a person prone to falling. It consists of a stable platform made of lightweight tubing that is at a height that…

  • Widal test

    Serological test originally employed for the diagnosis of typhoid – paratyphoid fevers by demonstrating agglutination of suspensions of known organisms by dilutions of patient’s serum. Test to detect typhoid fever and other salmonella infections.