Category: W

  • Well-woman clinic

    A clinic which specialises in preventive medicine for women, e.g. breast screening and cervical smear tests, and gives advice on pregnancy, contraception and the menopause.  

  • Well-man clinic

    A clinic just for men where they can get checkups, advice and health information.  

  • Wellbeing

    The state of being in good health and having good living conditions. A person’s sense of being in good physical and emotional health. A sudden lack of well-being can be a sign of disease.  

  • Well-baby clinic

    A clinic where parents can ask a doctor or nurse any questions they have about their child’s growth and development. Their babies can be weighed and measured and their development monitored.  

  • Well


  • Welfare

    Good health, good living conditions. Money paid by the government to people who need it.  

  • Welder’s flash

    Welder’s flash

    A condition in which the eye is badly damaged by very bright light.  

  • Weil-Felix reaction

    A test to see if someone has typhus, in which the person’s serum is tested for antibodies against Proteus vulgaris [Described 1916. After Edmund Weil (1880-1922) Austrian physician and bacteriologist; Arthur Felix (1887—1956), British bacteriologist.] A diagnostic test for typhus. A sample of the patient’s serum is tested for the presence of antibodies against the…

  • Weight loss

    The fact of losing weight or of becoming thinner. Weight loss occurs when energy expenditure exceeds energy intake. Many factors can affect either energy intake or energy expenditure and lead to loss of body weight. A comprehensive review of factors involved in weight loss is beyond the scope of this book; however, some general principals,…

  • Weight gain

    The fact of becoming fatter or heavier. Weight gain occurs when energy intake exceeds energy expenditure. Many factors can affect either energy intake or expenditure and produce increased body weight. Some athletes desire weight gain for improved performance, while others prefer to avoid weight gain. Most often, athletes wishing to gain weight are interested in…